Supported by Centerpoint Church Annapolis in 2014
Tim and Caitlin have been married 5 years after dating a little over 8 years, yes years. They have had smooth sailings, tough go's, and exciting adventures along the way. Their hearts were directed toward adoption a little over 2 years ago and they started the process in June 2013. They are currently going through Bethany Christian Services and have completed their home-study and are 6 months into the "waiting" period. They have started an adoption blog on their website,, in order to promote adoption awareness. They have found that the more resources that adopting families have, the more you realize you are not alone in this incredible journey. They are so thankful for the love and support that we have been shown by family, friends, and church. They still have a long road ahead but with such a support system and God, nothing can stop them!
Love Gives raised $10,000 for the Windland's adoption!
UPDATE: We are happy to report that the Windland's have adopted a sweet baby girl, Margot!